The artist, KENDRICK TRAN is a multi-disciplinary creative with many years of experience in styling and artistic direction. Focusing on, but not limited to mediums such as fashion design and visual art. 

As a queer Vietnamese Canadian diaspora, Kendrick has faced much turmoil surrounding identity and self-esteem on their artistic journey. You, as an audience, can witness this direct translation in their work.

In a world where they feel as though self-worth is based on social presence or what others think of you. They try to contradict that. Making their work a protest against virtual indulgence and what they consider to be “success” in the modern day. You can see bold text and harsh contrasts. These speak to their dissatisfaction with “pretty privilege”, feeling like they don’t have a voice, and feeling stuck in what is typically known as the grey area. Something that can also be described as the unknown.

Their work is about personifying your dreams, desires, and despair. Making a statement in non-conventional ways. Growing up with immigrant parents taught them to always give back to those with less. To seek peace and happiness above all else. This turned into a passion for humanitarian causes and trying to change the world. They create with a purpose; to inspire others to never settle, be bold and speak up for what is important to them.

“Be vulgar, scream. It’s all about sharing your passion with the world.”


When you look at their work, they want you to feel something. Anything. In the words of Thom Browne, “People will either love it or hate it, I just want them to feel something towards it”.